How to search and bid for properties
You do not need to be logged in to search for properties, but you do have to be logged in and have an active application to bid on properties.
Click Search for Homes, and enter your bedroom need to see all properties available. If you just press Search without selecting your bedroom need all available properties will be displayed.
When you are logged in you will only see properties that you are eligible for. Select 'place a bid' and a list of eligible properties will be displayed.
If you would like to bid on this property click on the address or the photo of the property and you will then be able to see full details of the property.
Click on the 'PLACE BID' green button on the right hand side of the advert if you would like to bid on this property.

You will now see the bid you have placed under current bids and also the remove button will appear in case you change your mind or have made a mistake. Obviously you will only be able to remove this whilst the bidding is still open.