How does the Allocations Policy work

BCP Homechoice is the choice based lettings scheme for all council and housing association homes in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch.

Choice based lettings schemes allow you to bid for council and housing association properties that the council advertises. The Council will then allocate the property in line with its Allocations Policy.

What is an Allocations Policy?

The Housing Act 1996 requires all local authorities to have an allocation policy to determine the priorities and define the procedures that will be followed when allocating housing accommodation.

This policy sets out who can apply for social housing (Council housing and housing association properties) in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole and how we set priorities for who is housed.

This policy applies to all those who wish to join the BCP Council allocation scheme for an allocation of social housing; Housing staff who are processing applications, providing housing options advice and allocating housing; Members who are acting on behalf of their constituents; and agencies supporting or acting on behalf of applicants e.g. Children and Adult Social Care.

The BCP Allocations Policy